Monday, March 24, 2014

28 Weeks.

My, my how time flies! I cannot believe we're 28 weeks into this. That means there are only 12 weeks left, if we make it to the end (maybe more, I know. Don't tell me that.)! I just can't wrap my mind around it!

The Clem's had a great week! Thursday I went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital. Luckily, Tyler got out of it because he had a soccer game to coach. LAME! :) I was glad he could be spared, however, he's getting the lesson (Powerpoint included) at home, so...too bad! haha! This class was incredibly informative! I have a new mindset going into breastfeeding, and I'm actually pumped about it! (Pun definitely intended). I am incredibly modest and our society isn't exactly supportive of breastfeeding (unfortunately), so we'll see how it all plays out. I'm happy to have my questions answered! Now to just put it all into practice.

Friday night we celebrated Tyler and Bryan's birthdays. We surprised them with a dinner out with our group of friends at Logan's Roadhouse. I told Tyler we were just having date night to celebrate his birthday, and we're going to Logan's because I'm "Nuts about him." ha! He wasn't suspicious because I'm corny...always. Bryan and Tyler have been working out lately, so their new nicknames are "Big Swole." So of course, Shannon and I had to put it on their cake! We had such a blast with our great friends!

We had an appointment with our doctor today. All went well. She measured my belly and listened to Liam's heartbeat. I passed my glucose screening! YAY! She says everything is going very well! I have one more "once a month" appointment, then they move to once every two weeks. So hard to believe. We're so thankful our baby boy is healthy so far!

My babies! And look! I can see my feet still!

At 28 weeks:

Size: Eggplant. About 13.6-14.8 inches. 1.5-2.2 pounds.

Major Happenings: He's putting on layers of fat. His lungs are mature enough that he could probably breath on his own if born prematurely. His eyes can now sense changes to light! We're now officially in the 3rd trimester!

What's Been Happening: He's continuing to move around in my belly! I can see him moving if I watch my belly. It's neat! Also, the most adorable crocheted stuffed elephant came in the other day! Definitely my favorite part of the nursery. I found him on Zulily, and I'm pretty much obsessed! Tyler and I traded his car in for a Trailblazer this week! We wanted to have a reliable family car that can tote us, Liam, the dogs, and all our crap to visit family in Tennessee. My car just wouldn't cut it! We're pretty pumped about it!

Sleep: So so. Not enough!

Miss Anything: Fitting into my clothes. I about had a meltdown trying to find something to wear to church yesterday.

Food Cravings: I needed to grab a QT slushie the other day. No other gas station was cutting it. QT is where it's at!

Bellybutton in or out: I hate to report someone's made his appearance... half of my "innie" is still in, half of it is out. It's strange!

Wedding Rings on or off: on!

Looking Forward to: Our FIRST SHOWER THIS WEEKEND! And seeing family, of course!!!!!! :):):)

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