Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday

Today I'm linking up with one of my favorite bloggers I follow! I've mentioned her before...Andrea over at Momfessionals! She hosts Show and Tell Tuesdays, so I thought it would be fun to join in!

Here's the schedule for anyone who'd like to link up as well!

Today's topic: Show and Tell us how to win your heart!

Oh, baby. This is a good topic, especially with Valentine's Day just around the corner. So of course, I have to link up this round, hopeful that my husband will read :)

Let me tell you...I love some sweet random gestures that just don't happen every day. Some people may say flowers just DIE, so they don't care for them. But I say, while they last, they bring me so much happiness! I just love a fresh bouquet of flowers. They're a little dose of sunshine!
My flowers from Mother's Day:

Another way to my heart are CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES.
These are my favorite treats, and I will bite your hand if you try to take mine :)
Tyler took me to the Melting Pot for our 3rd anniversary this past August, and I got my share of chocolate covered strawberries...plus many other cheese and chocolate covered yummies! Not to mention, he had flowers waiting on us. What a guy!


As much as I love little gestures like these, nothing makes me fall in love with Tyler all over again quite like him helping me around the house. I love for things to be tidy and clean. With a toddler, this isn't always realistic. I feel stretched and exhausted some days, but when Tyler swoops in to help, my love for him grows exponentially! Running the vacuum over the carpet, putting dishes away, making the bed, giving Liam his bath, changing Liam's diaper, etc. This makes me swoon!

Thank you for joining us in our link up today!

1 comment:

  1. I love getting flowers too! So glad I found your blog through the link up.
