Tuesday, April 12, 2016

33 Weeks

At 33 weeks:

Size: Durian Fruit or Pineapple. About 17.2-18.7 inches. 4.2-5.8 pounds.

Major Happenings: He's keeping his eyes open while awake. He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. His bones are hardening, and he's going through more brain development.

What's Been Happening: All 3 of us were in Tennessee hanging out with Tyler's family this past weekend. Liam and I are still in Tennessee at my mom and dad's right now! This is our last vacation before Harper comes! I told Tyler I need this time to rest and hang out before I'm stuck in a house for 4 months (I never exaggerate) :)

Sleep: It hasn't been too bad lately. I slept in until 11 AM today! I haven't done that in YEARS.

Miss Anything: Feeling well. I'm getting a bit uncomfortable. But I really cannot complain because it could be a whole lot worse!

Food Cravings: I've still been wanting watermelon! It's SO YUMMY and refreshing!

Bellybutton in or out: OUT.

Wedding Rings on or off: Still on! It hasn't been too warm lately, so that helps!

Looking Forward to: Continuing to rest this week! And seeing Tyler Friday. It's so nice to travel, but it's always nice to get back home, too!

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