Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Recap: Tennessee Edition

Last Friday the 3 (technically 4) Clem's loaded up and headed to Tennessee!

We decided we needed to squeeze in another trip before sweet baby Harper gets here. Both mine and Tyler's families live there, so it was nice to get back! (All members of our immediate families live there except for my sister and brother-in-law who live in Saudi Arabia! WHAT? Check out their lives HERE)

We started our trip off with a crazy moody toddler. I had to sit in the back with him to get him to eat his breakfast and then he wanted me to entertain him the whole time while telling me, "NO MOMMY" over and over and finally a nice SWAT at momma's face. Not having that. So, disrespect and unkindness=pulling off on an exit and disciplining. Poor buddy. His mood changed for the better, though!

When we were almost to our stop for lunch, I went to put my makeup on and lo and behold a SILK WORM was in my hair! We'd been in the car over 3 hours! I didn't know I had a friend! The funniest thing about this is...Shannon and I always run into slews of these on our walks this time of year, and we freak out about it! We had a good laugh over this little buddy of mine! 

We reached Chattanooga and stopped to meet my parents, Aunt Bettye, and Uncle Lynn at Cracker Barrel. It was so nice to stretch our legs, grab some food, and get some hugs! Not to mention, this was GREAT for Liam's mood! He ran to hug my mom and dad, which they ate up, of course! Then we had a napping toddler the rest of the way to Murfreesboro :) 

Liam with my wonderful Aunt and Uncle:

We made it to Grammie and Boo boo's house (Tyler's parents) after a long trip! This little ham was ready to play and entertain!


Saturday we chilled around Grammie's house. Then we went to Tyler's SALSA reunion. This was a reunion for his youth group (Salt and Light Student Association aka SALSA). We got to see some friends from high school and their kids too! Liam and Desmond became buddies! Liam enjoyed corn hole the most!

On Sunday afternoon Tyler, his brother, and his dad went fishing while Liam got lots of snuggles with Grammie as he watched Dora! Dora is his new very favorite friend!

Then we blew bubbles for a long time! Kona (dog) and Liam had a blast popping them! Liam LOVES being outside!


Monday we visited Mamaw and Papaw (Tyler's grandparents) then grabbed lunch with Uncle TT and Aunt Cass at McAlister's! We had such a fun morning! Then Tyler met with his home church pastor, so he could license him into the ministry. So, Tyler is now a licensed minister! Woot woot! Next step, ordination. We're proud of him! Tyler had to head back to South Carolina, but Liam and I stayed in Murfreesboro. 
So, next stop: Nana and Gpa's! (My parents)

He snuggled his Gpa this first night before bedtime!

I stumbled across this HILARIOUS picture as I was chilling Tuesday morning. This is how I imagine life being in a few short weeks with a toddler and newborn (if nursing works out). I laughed way too hard!

Tuesday night we ran to Franklin to have dinner at my baby sister's apartment. Aunt Abby is one of Liam's favorites! I didn't even get a picture with BUT we did get a picture with Heather, who is Abby's roommate and one of my closest friends from college! BONUS!

Wednesday we played lots of baseball and helped Nana make freezer jam!


Oh, AND I showed Liam Snapchat. We had lots of laughs!!!


I did LOTS of back porch sittin' while there. Mom and dad have the best back porch! It was a little chilly while we were in town, so most the time I had a blanket, but it was still perfect! I did lots of reading and even fell asleep once. Ahhhh it was so nice to rest.

Thursday morning we went by Mamaw and Papaw's again to get one last visit in before heading back. They adore their great-grandson!

Then Liam helped Nana plant her tomato plants! He was very hesitant to get his hands dirty at first, but they eventually convinced him. It was often paired with looks of disgust. He had FUN, though!



That night we finished out our trip with a visit to Grammie and Boo boo's! Liam was so excited to see them! He even got to eat Grammie's ICE, play baseball, and vegg out on the couch. 


And side mom found my glasses (jewelry for my face, as she told me back in the day) from 5th grade. Wowzerz. Gotta love throw backs!

Today mom, dad, Liam, and I are heading back to South Carolina. It's been such a nice relaxing week, but we are ready to see DADDY!

1 comment:

  1. Stop it. He is getting so big!! Get ready! Aunt Ashley expects lots of hugs and playing ball with her favorite first nephew. 😋
