Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Recap

Happy Friday!

We've had an emotional (but good) week in the Clem household. 

Last Saturday we had a nice workday! Tyler mowed the lawn and planted our gardens! Yay! I painted Liam's new headboard white so we could move him into his big boy room. It required 3 coats of paint and a coat of wax, so that kept me busy! In between coats I cleaned the house and wrangled Liam. Oh, and we also played with the dogs outside while watching daddy work! :)

Sunday we had church and finished getting Liam's room together! We wanted to put him in his big boy bed that night, so we had to make sure we finished it all up! We put his sheets on, added his railings, and got him acclimated. He was SO excited! 


Sunday night we took our youth to Frankie's Fun Park to wrap up a great Spring Break! This is one of Tyler's favorite places ever! Liam got to putt-putt with us, and he had so much fun!

We love these youth SO MUCH!

Liam wasn't too sure about the carousel

Watching daddy on the GO-KARTS!



After our exciting night at Frankie's, we put Liam in his big boy bed for his first night! He did AMAZINGLY well in his bed. We just couldn't be prouder (or more thankful)! I cried for two whole hours after we laid him down thinking about how big he's gotten. I blame pregnancy hormones!


Monday morning after his good night's rest, Liam wanted me to get in bed with him while he played. I just soaked up these moments!

On Tuesday I had a checkup for sweet Harper! Everything looked fine, and I got a chance to read in silence for a while :)

That evening we stopped by the baseball game to cheer for our JV boys! Liam read books, cheered, and looked for ants. He had a ball!


We also played baseball with the $1 bat and ball daddy bought! He has a blast with this! That look of determination, though!

Tuesday also started the watermelon cravings. Oh we go again! If you followed my last pregnancy, you know I ate 9 watermelon BY MYSELF in one month last time! WOW. So, maybe this one will last too. It's better than Doritos! And I MADE dinner! Yessssss. This doesn't always happen. Creamy burrito casserole for the win!

Tuesday night Liam had an even greater night in his big boy bed! He even woke up the next morning and talked to himself for 45 minutes before he yelled for us. He's so great!


Thursday was an extremely emotional day. I had literally the scariest experience I've ever had in my life. Liam loves to open and close our dresser drawers. He doesn't climb, he just opens and closes them. He had them all open Thursday morning, and I literally turned my back for one second to put my shirt on, and I heard a crash. The entire IKEA dresser toppled frontward toward Liam in that moment. I'm 100% convinced God moved him out of the way! He was against our bed, untouched! He looked up at me and said "uh oh!" We both started bawling! He should've been crushed, guys! I was a miracle! Apparently I wasn't supposed to see the angel God sent to move him, but there's no doubt in my mind GOD PROTECTED HIM.

We have no control over our or our kids' lives, but they are in the MOST capable hands. I'm reminded that Liam and Harper belong to GOD, not to Tyler and me. We have to trust our GOD who does the impossible!

And yes...we will be bolting all our furniture to the walls! I just wish I took a picture of the toppled dresser. It was seriously a miracle.

After such an emotional day over that, I needed a night of worship! Thursday evening we took some youth to the Outcry Tour concert. Hillsong, Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe, Jesus Culture. Need I say more?! It was amazing!



Shout out to our AMAZING babysitters who were at our house for over 7 hours! WOW. This concert lasted quite a while! I'm not sure who has more fun when they babysit...Mrs. Janelle, her kids, Liam...or the dogs! They are THE BEST. THANK YOU for letting us have a night out with youth!

My friend Janelle sent me this picture of baby Liam and one of our college girls! Oh, the tears! Look at my sweet boy!

Today we head to Tennessee for a weekend of fun! This will be our last trip before baby Harper gets here, so it will be a great one! Have a wonderful and restful weekend!

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