Monday, March 3, 2014

25 Weeks.

We had a great week this week! We had our routine checkup Thursday to make sure Liam's still there and progressing well. My belly measured accurately-24 inches at 24 weeks- and we heard his strong heartbeat again! At first, all we could hear was the placenta, and it made me nervous because it took her a minute to find his heartbeat. Sweet relief poured over me when we heard it. That sound always makes me smile! She also said he's sitting nice and low and definitely pushing on my bladder. Without a doubt, I can feel that!

A highlight of my week was being able to run the Spearman Color Splash and Dash 5k at my school this Saturday. Tyler- who is as fast as a jackal- swallowed his pride and stayed with me! He can run a 5k at least twice before I ever finish one, so this was awesome :) Now I've got to work up to his speed so he will continue to run with me. He's so motivating and encouraging to run with! Plus, I just kinda like him :) We completed our run in about 30 minutes. Being 5 and a half months pregnant, I'll take it! It was such a blast!

Another highlight of my week was beginning to read Liam's Jesus Storybook Bible to him. Before we go to bed, we read him a few stories from his Bible and pray over him. This is the best time in the world. It makes me cry thinking about it! This Bible is so neat because it takes many stories from the Bible and points every single one of them to JESUS- our great Rescuer, the One who comes to save the people He loves from a godless eternity. The One who gave His life that we might have a relationship with Him. The One who rose again and is alive today! We pray for Liam to have a relationship with Him as He grows up, that he might have a full life knowing he gets to spend all of eternity with Jesus! AMAZING.

At 25 weeks:

Size: Cauliflower. A full head, not just a single stem. About 13.6-14.8 inches. 1.5 to 2.2 POUNDS. We're moving into pounds, people!

Major Happenings: His nervous system is rapidly developing. He now knows which way is up and which way is down. So, no more handstands, I guess...His hair is continuing to grow! So cool :)

What's Been Happening: Ran a 5k! I also got a pedicure Friday with 4 of my youth girls. We had a BLAST, and those massaging chairs were GREAT for my aching back! I could use one in my house! Just ask the girls, I went on and on and on about that chair! Plus, I just love those girls to death, so this night was awesome!

Sleep: We've been waking up with stuffy noses, so say hello to our new friend- the cool mist humidifier. This helped with sleep last night! I'm also having a hard time getting comfy, but it's all good!

Miss Anything: Bending over frontwards. I keep forgetting that hurts!

Food Cravings: Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Ooooh...let me tell ya, that was GOOD! No other brand of ice cream was going to do. Last night watching the Oscar's, I got a hankering for PIZZA when Ellen brought some on the show. I've been wanting breadsticks FROM PIZZA HUT for about 3 weeks now, but I haven't succumbed. I ALMOST ran out at 10:30 last night to grab Pizza Hut. Tyler was so sweet and was about to go, but I just couldn't let him. So, I turned over and went to sleep without eating a thing. Pizza/calorie crisis averted.

Bellybutton in or out: IN!

Wedding Rings on or off: On :)

Gender: A wee little gentleman!

Looking Forward to: A baby shower coming up the end of this month! Plus, I received my crib skirt today, so I cannot wait to get that in the room!

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