Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thankful for God's Grace!

This week I've had an abundance of peace only The Lord can give. The possibilities of something going wrong during pregnancy are endless. Reasons for my belly measuring smaller than normal could have been many. Thankfully, we had a very positive ultrasound today!

The ultrasound tech went through all 8 of the things she was looking for and gave Liam an 8/8! Already making 100s. That's momma's boy! She said everything looked great. Amniotic fluid levels were very normal. He's weighing in at 4 pounds 10 ounces, and he is in the 38th percentile. They become concerned when babies are in the 10th percentile or below. She said because Tyler and I were both in the 6 pound range, he will probably just be a smaller baby, too! She said he's healthy, just a little fellow!

I certainly can't complain about that!

Oh, a flood of relief washed over me! "Be still, my anxious child..." was ever clear once again. "Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord!" is what I keep repeating in my head.

I love that we got to see our baby boy! Praying for no bumps in the road the next few weeks...well, except for my bump!
Grow, baby, grow!

Don't you just want to kiss those sweet cheeks?!

Monday, April 28, 2014

33 Weeks.

"Be still, my anxious child..."

These five words have been resounding in my heart and mind since last Wednesday.

I went to our regularly scheduled appointment, expecting no concern, once again. The doctor measured my belly, then measured it again, and even measured a third time to make sure she was accurately reading it. It was measuring between 29-30 cm when it's supposed to be between 32-33 cm. This is the second month I've been behind.

"Be still, my anxious child..."

She scheduled a growth ultrasound for this Wednesday just to make sure fluid levels are where they need to be, and he's still growing like he's supposed to.

"Be still, my anxious child..."

I wanted to ask more questions, but I was trying to fight tears. Not because she seemed extremely concerned, but because nothing had gone wrong up to this point. Nothing seemed off track or risky. Nothing even remotely wrong has happened. That's why I was fighting the tears. That's why I couldn't think of the right questions to ask in the moment.

"Be still, my anxious child..."

Worry and anxiety have always been thorns in my flesh. You take one look at me, and I have a smile plastered on my face most of the time, while worry resides in my heart. Not always, but most of the time. The Lord has taught me an abundance on worry in my (almost) 24 years of existence. He's brought me so far. Trust is what I long for. Trust in the Creator of the Universe taking care of my universe. He created the heavens and the earth...why would I think even for a second He's not taking care of me?

"Be still, my anxious child..."

I've recounted this appointment in my mind. I've Googled things I shouldn't Google just to see what the possibilities are. I've tried measuring my belly with my own measuring tape, even though I can't quite remember where she placed each end. I've given our baby boy a pep talk...asking him to please grow inside of mommy. I've prayed. I've read Scripture. All while hearing these words so clearly...

"Be still, my anxious child..."

Tyler and I read to Liam from our Jesus Storybook Bible a couple of nights ago. Our sweet Jesus gave me exactly what I needed in that moment. It was a story about King David called The Good Shepherd. It's based on Psalm 23. Listen to the way they worded this beautiful Psalm in this Bible...

God is my Shepherd
And I am his little lamb.

He feeds me
He guides me
He looks after me. 
I have everything I need.

Inside, my heart is very quiet.
As quiet as lying still in soft green grass
In a meadow
By a little stream.

Even when I walk through 
the dark, scary, lonely places
I won't be afraid
Because my Shepherd knows where I am.

He is here with me
He keeps me safe
He rescues me

He makes me strong
And brave.

He is getting wonderful things ready for me
Especially for me
Everything I ever dreamed of!

He fills my heat so full of happiness
I can't hold it all inside.

Wherever I go I know
God's Never Stopping
Never Giving Up
Always and Forever
Will go, too!

And there I was fighting the tears once more. 
"Be still, my anxious child..."

At 33 weeks:

Size: Durian Fruit or Pineapple. About 17.2-18.7 inches. 4.2-5.8 pounds.

Major Happenings: He's keeping his eyes open while awake. He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. His bones are hardening, and he's going through more brain development.

What's Been Happening: We didn't have one single night free this week. We were at some sort of ball field or church every night! It was crazy. But so fun! I've also been organizing the nursery! Getting close to a nursery post. I'm lovin' it!

Sleep: Not too bad, honestly! Crazy dreams continue.

Miss Anything: Just not dealing with aches and pains.

Food Cravings: Watermelon's STILL the answer. I ate that watermelon last week in two days...all by myself. Shame on me! There are worse things. Tyler surprised me with another one Saturday night...yesssssssss.

Bellybutton in or out: We're just all hangin' out.

Wedding Rings on or off: on. Getting a little snug!

Looking Forward to: Seeing our baby boy again on Wednesday. Also, I MUST brag on my husband. Because we had a million things to do last week in the evenings, I wasn't sure that we'd get to pick up our glider until this week. He surprised me and picked it up Monday! Isn't that just the sweetest?! I'm so thankful for a thoughtful man. Plus, the glider's beautiful!

Monday, April 21, 2014

32 Weeks.

We only have 5 weeks until Liam is full term, folks. Wow!

This week was incredibly eventful, to say the least! We FINALLY made it to Spring Break. The timing couldn't have been more impeccable. I needed a break!

Last Sunday, I flew all the way to Texas (and drank over 130 ounces of water the day before so my swelling wouldn't be bad)! I went to see my two wonderful friends- Mollie and Amanda. The reunion was sweet and long overdue!

To preface this story, I usually fly Southwest, so I wasn't prepared for having to pay $50 to get my bag to Texas and then back home. That's such a stupid thing anyway, and Delta seriously needs to jump on the Southwest bandwagon. So I joked with Tyler and (regretfully) said, "wouldn't it be funny if we paid all this money and my bag never makes it?" Haha...
Well, We began looking for my bag in Texas, and it was nowhere to be found. A purple bag with a Mickey tag on it kept circling around, but it certainly wasn't mine. We reported it to the head honcho (very tall, large intimidating man), and after I described it, he walked over and picked up the purple bag [that certainly wasn't mine], and looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in Texas. Or on planet earth. But everything's bigger in Texas, so I guess he thought Texas. Anyway... I politely said, "sir, that's not my bag..." To which he looked surprised. I may be blonde but really? He called the real owner of this purple bag, and what do you know? She took mine! Has this really ever happened? I mean come on! Ha! This grandmother with her grandson sheepishly walked up about 15 minutes later with my bag. She gave me a big ole' Texas hug and apologized...BLESS! Hey, I'm just glad it made the trip! Catastrophe averted. Especially since I wouldn't have fit into either of my friends clothes this week. Way too large for that...

So anyway...the week was absolutely wonderful! Mollie's in grad school, so most of my days consisted of sleeping in, eating, then napping right after :) my mom tells me this was the best thing for me because if I was at home, I would've been a busy body. She was absolutely right! I was forced to rest, and I'm so glad I did!

The afternoons/evenings were the best! Monday night, we went to Amanda's house and watched Say Yes to the Dress and a girly movie, ate cookies and watermelon, and were just plain girly! We reverted back to our sorority days! Tuesday night we had a night out! We ate at an Italian place called Baris. I couldn't wait to get my hands on some pizza! Then we had to follow it up with frozen custard. Oh yumminess! This was the best. Thank you, Katie, for your great custard!

So excited to be together!

Sweet Amanda.
The best little ever, Mollie!

My last day in town, Amanda took me to this amazing local coffee shop (local is my fave!) where I experienced Mexican Hot Chocolate. HOLY MOLY. amazing. Then we toured Cameron Park and took selfies out by the cliff overlooking Waco- Lover's Leap to be exact.

We then went to this totally amazing store called's like 18 boutique stores all thrown together in this rustic warehouse with all kinds of rustic decor. Oh I was loving it! Of course it was then time to take more pics!

Weirded out by the belly!

 And did I mention...Amanda and I ACCIDENTALLY matched?! We felt the need to justify this wherever we went. ha!

That evening we had dinner at this really great place called Homestead Heritage. It's this place where they grow their own food and make their own stuff. They were Mennonites at some point and now they're doing their own thing? or something like that? I don't have all my facts straight. It was such a neat place to eat! And DELICIOUS!

We are the weirdest Big/Little combo, and I LOVE it!

That evening we went to Amanda's and watched Frozen. This trip was filled with so much laughter and fun! I'm beyond thankful for time with both of them! My heart is encouraged!

After I got back home, I repacked, and Tyler and I went camping with 3 other married couples the next morning. Whew. This was an experience! It may have rained for about 12 or so hours while we were there. Plus, it was cold. And I'm 7 months pregnant. What was I thinking?! I just can't miss out on a good time, that's what! Despite the rain and cold temps, we had fun! I loved sitting around a camp fire with 7 friends, singing songs and making S'Mores. It was a great end to Spring Break! 

The men preparing the camp!

Someone's secretly a spider monkey...

Our site!

Love these people!

The ladies preparing the yummies!

COLD boat ride!

Someone was a little sleeeeeeepy....

So thankful for warmth of a fire!

Moose giving us a word...

This view made it pretty worth it!

Easter was awesome, of course! What's better than celebrating our risen Savior?! I'm incredibly grateful for my salvation and relationship with the Creator of the universe! After church we had dinner at our pastor's house with his whole family and the music minister's family! They've taken us in :) This was a good thing because we were about to scrounge up some grilled cheese or something after the week I had. ha! Plus, we just love those people so much! Y'all have already won Liam over with the good food you gave us, I tell ya! :)

My husband's a STUD.

So there you go. If you made it all the way down here and read everything, you're a trooper and deserve a gold star! 

Now I need a break after Spring Break.

At 32 weeks:

Size: A large Squash or a large Jicama. About 15.2-16.7 inches. 2.5-3.8 pounds.

Major Happenings: He has his toenails, fingernails, and real hair! He's likely in the head-down position (so they tell me) to prep for birth. What in the world?! So. FAST.

What's Been Happening: Took a trip to Texas and went camping. Also, our GLIDER came in! We just have to go pick it up!

Sleep: Not too shabby. Continuing with the weirdo dreams! They are blowing my mind. I had to pray pray pray for the Lord to take away scary images this morning. Eeeeeek! No fun.

Miss Anything: Feeling "normal." I'm definitely starting to feel Liam crowding my lungs. I've had a really easy pregnancy so far (praise be to God!), but I'm feeling aches and pains I've never quite felt before these days.

Food Cravings: Watermelon!!!!! Holy cow. We just bought watermelon #5 last night...5th one in two weeks. I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF! If you ever have any lying around that you don't want, send 'em on!

Bellybutton in or out: This sucker just seems huge. OUTTIE.

Wedding Rings on or off: ON! Even after my big trips! YAAAY!

Looking Forward to: Picking up our GLIDER! Wahooooo!

Monday, April 14, 2014

31 Weeks.

I still cannot believe we're in the 30s! 9 weeks and little man's supposed to be here. That's mind boggling!

This past week was actually pretty chill, which is exactly what the Clem's needed! We had craaaaaazy  weekends with the showers, so a couple of days of relaxing in the evenings is exactly what we needed. I'm so thankful for that time with my sweet hubby! I just cherish time with him. It's so great to be married to someone you ENJOY being around :) I'd say that's pretty important.

Saturday morning I went to Grits and Groceries with Shannon and a couple of her friends who were in town. Y'all. That place is a dream! So stinkin' yummy! Just embrace the huge rooster statue and the goats hangin' out across the street....part of the experience! Definitely worth a trip out to the boondocks. Saturday night we had a nice little bonfire equipped with S'mores and watermelon. Pregnant woman's dream, if you ask me! Plus, we had great company! We just love our friends to pieces.

I'm currently in Waco, Texas visiting my friends Mollie and Amanda! I'll be sure to update on my trip next week :) let's just say.... It's so refreshing to see my friends from college! I love those friends who make you laugh and nothing's ever weird! We just pick up where we left off. So thankful!

I look very large this week!

At 31 weeks:

Size: Pineapple. About 15.2-16.7 inches. 2.5-3.8 pounds.

Major Happenings: All 5 of his senses are fully developed! Major brain and nerve development is happening. His irises now react to light!

What's Been Happening: Organizing all of Liam's wonderful gifts! We have a loooooong way to go, but it's begun! Also, I'm in Texas! Contrary to what Tyler keeps telling people, I'm not visiting my exes. Haha! Cue the song.

Sleep: Ummmm I don't want to complain, but the aches and pains make it very hard to sleep well. Let's just say my heating pad made its way on this trip with me. BFFs.

Miss Anything: My tailbone and top right back and a place on my abdomen feeling normal. Pain!

Food Cravings: Watermelon!!!!!

Bellybutton in or out: Still creepin.

Wedding Rings on or off: on.. Even after my flights Sunday! Yay!

Looking Forward to: Spending the week in Texas. And then seeing my handsome man! I've missed him so much already! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

30 Weeks.

This weekend was a blast! My mom and dad (and their dog Blaze) got here Friday evening. We hung out at the house and enjoyed each other's company. I just can't get enough time with them! I love them so much! My sister Ashley and her husband Eric (and their dog Ranger) came into town that night, too! Saurday we woke up bright and early and made our way to "South Carolina's Largest Tourist Attraction"- the Anderson Jockey Lot (or as I like to call it...the Janky Lot). We spent way too much time there, but we loved it! Hey, one person's junk...

Ash & Eric

We grabbed some lunch at Fuddrucker's then made our way to the mall for a little bit of maternity shopping! I had a nice little pregnancy meltdown due to all of the sudden feeling overwhelmed. I tried SO HARD to resist, but sometimes you've just got to let the tears flow! ha! My poor momma. She didn't know why I was even would've been great if I had a clue! We were so pooped from our big shopping day that we crashed that night. Ordered Jet's Pizza and CRASHED.

The fam joined us at church Sunday, then we had our second BABY SHOWER! My roommate from college and another close friend from college SURPRISED me at the shower! They don't even live very close to our little town! It was just the best surprise! It had been WAY too long since I'd seen them.

 Shelbi & Jessica

We had so many wonderful people come to the shower! We have a very supportive church family here! Being away from our families can be really tough at times. What makes it so much easier is having a South Carolina family in our congregation. They are amazing! We couldn't have dreamed of having more wonderful baby showers the past two weekends. Liam is so incredibly loved and cared for already. We thank our wonderful Jesus for bringing us to this amazing church and for giving us so many fantastic loved ones!

They wrote me notes for late night feedings :)

Adorable diaper cake!

cute details.

so many wonderful gifts!

Mom & Ash! Miss them already.

The WONDERFUL hostesses. Shannon, Megan, Chelsea, Margaret, & April.

Liam's so loved!

Wow. I'm just blown away!

At 30 weeks:

Size: Cucumber. About 15.2-16.7 inches. 2.5-3.8 pounds.

Major Happenings: His skin is getting smoother. His brain is getting wrinklier to make way for essential brain tissue. He's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

What's Been Happening: We prepped this week for family coming into town. Tyler went on the Men's Retreat with the church. The highlight of the week was my parents, sister, and brother-in-law coming to town for our amazing baby shower! Plus, getting surprised by my two of my closest friends from college! One being one of my roommates :)

Sleep: I just haven't been getting enough. I jumped out of bed at 7:24 this morning when I was supposed to be at work BY 7:40 (at the latest)...not a great start to the morning, but I clearly needed that sleep! My dreams last night were super weird and scary, so those kept me awake as well. If I'm ever walking toward a weird abandoned building to try to play some maze "game," don't let me do it. Scariest. Experience. Ever.

Miss Anything: 2nd trimester! ha! I wasn't quite so tired back then!

Food Cravings: Nothing!

Bellybutton in or out: Almost all the way out!

Wedding Rings on or off: on. We're still making those rings work! YAY.

Looking Forward to: Spending some time with my hubby this week. I've missed him tremendously! We had two CRAZY weekends, and I barely saw him last week. I need some quality time with my honey. Especially since I leave SUNDAY for a trip to Texas to see one of my greatest friends from college- Mollie! I can't wait to see her sweet face! Also, I'm looking forward to organizing all of Liam's wonderful gifts. We have the most generous friends and family. We're SO THANKFUL!