Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Recap: The Waiting Game Edition

Last Friday morning Shay and I took the boys to Ms. Sandy's house for a visit. Complete with cookies and banana bread. (THANK YOU, Ms. Sandy!)


Then we met daddy for lunch at Subway! This Subway trip led to a spontaneous road trip to Columbia to watch our track team at State and to make a trip to the Riverbanks Zoo! We picked up our friend Chelsea and headed to Columbia!


The girls did a great job and ultimately placed 7th. We're proud of them!

Morgan's biggest fan!


We stayed the night in a hotel (that was an experience) and woke up to grab breakfast at McDonald's and head to the zoo the next morning!





We had so much fun! Liam's favorite animals at the zoo were the tigers, lizards, and fish! 

We headed back home and had some major rest time...

Then we went to a graduation party that evening!

(Photo by Margaret Berry)

Sunday morning our baby looked SO BIG carrying his backpack to his toddler class. TEARS. As soon as I asked him if he wanted his picture with his backpack, he ran to my "bumpdate" picture wall and shouted "CHEEEEEESE" It CRACKED ME UP! He's seen me do that a time or two! He's too precious.


Sunday night some friends from our church threw us a diaper shower! Oh, we are so thankful!

I found our treasure at the grocery store! Who knew Clem Gems were a thing!

Monday was ROUGH. Liam came down with what we think was Fifth Disease. He did NOT feel well. To make matters worse, he tripped, fell, and hit his face on the corner of the stove. He was PITIFUL!


Tuesday I had a checkup for sweet Harper. They had to do a growth scan because my belly was measuring the same three weeks in a row. Normal fluid levels are between 5-25, and mine were only 5.2. So, I had to go back Thursday for another check at my levels. Tyler got to stay home with Liam for the morning while I was at my checkup. This is what happens when daddy's in charge...snuggles and TV time breakfast. haha!


That evening we got fancy and took family photo with our friend Stacy. She did a fantastic job! I was just proud that I finally dressed myself up. HA!

A few of my favorites:



Ok...maybe more than a few :)

I continued to be motivated to knock things off my to-do list, so I vacuumed and cleaned out my whole car. I now have TWO car seats in the back! CRAZY! Liam played on the porch with all kinds of toys while I did this!

Wednesday night Liam got to hang with the youth during church! He did so well! He enjoyed hearing his daddy speak...and seeing him be crazy!

Thursday Liam and I cleaned the house then Tyler and I went to my checkup. My fluid levels were up to 9! So, we are good to go! We don't have a scheduled induction date...we just WAIT. Waiting waiting waiting. These days are the longest! Liam hung out with our friend Sam, and she snapped this! SO CUTE!

Last night we took over our items for the missions yard sale at church Saturday. Baby duck was following mama! We had fun playing in the gym while daddy carried many things over from the house :)

We have a crazy weekend! We're hanging out with some friends, we have the missions yard sale, a graduation party, and Graduate Sunday! Whew. I need to stay busy so my mind isn't consumed with waiting :)

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