Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Recap

Last Friday we kicked off the weekend with a few errands! I wanted to get Liam these shoes from Old Navy for the summer, and he found a cutie ball cap for the summer while we were there. I love my little helper! Plus, he got a giant bouncy ball out of the 25 cent machine, so he was especially happy!

While we were out we also got Liam a soccer goal to start playing with! While at Academy, we purchased a BUBBLE GUN. LIFE CHANGER. The kid can't get enough bubbles and mama gets very tired blowing bubbles over and over again. haha! So, this was super fun! We got some of my new favorite pictures of Liam that afternoon! He's too cute for his own good!


Friday night I got to hang out with GIRLFRIENDS! It was so nice! We had a Mexican Train Fiesta Night at church! Complete with tacos, testimonies, and Mexican Train! We shared lots of laughs, stuffed our bellies, and had so much fun!

Saturday morning I got a BURST OF ENERGY, so I began nesting. And BOY, did I nest. I swapped Liam's clothes over to his room, washed and put away all the newborn stuff--clothes, towels, burp cloths, sheets, etc. I paired together 102 pairs of newborn socks...I was missing ONE out of the whole bunch (this was a very important detail later in the day).

Then I decided to tackle my closet. Oh, the horror! I wish you could've seen it before I began. Oh my! It was a MESS! I had a whole entire pile of clothes that would pour out of my closet every time I opened the door. You couldn't see an ounce of floor in there. I needed some serious intervention! So, I got to work. I worked from around 10 AM until about 12 AM the next day! Crazy. And I got rid of 108 things FROM MY CLOSET ALONE! The chaos:

So at around 7 that evening I noticed the washer stopped mid cycle. It wouldn't start back up and would make a terrible noise if I tried to force it to. I was melting down, thinking we'd have to drop several hundred dollars on a new one soon. After a lot of Googling and YouTube, it finally occurred to me...ONE newborn sock from the load before was missing. Could it be?! So, again with the help of YouTube, we got into the water pump. Lo and behold...A NEWBORN SOCK! We spent 2.5 hours working on our washer, but we fixed it! We were both so relieved (and SO over it!). We will not be opening a washer repair business anytime soon. But we are thankful that's what it was and we were able to fix it no charge!


Sunday was Mother's Day! My sweet boys surprised me with fresh flowers, a mug (specially handpicked by Liam himself...He was insistent on getting it for me), a cute journal, and sweet cards! They even got me these hand stamped rings I've been wanting with the boys' names on them! I don't have them yet, but I'm waiting anxiously for them to arrive in the mail! I'm SO excited! 


I worked in the toddler room that AM with Natalee! So I got to spend extra time with my boy...even though he was in a bad mood due to very little napping the two days before.

We snapped some photos of my little love and me!



Then for the sake of naps for everyone, we kept lunch simple by going to Fiesta (our local Mexican restaurant). We were three sleepy people, so staying local was necessary! Liam even got a balloon!


Sunday night after church we went to our friends' Megan and Moose's gender reveal party! All of our friend group keeps having boys, so we were excited to see that it's a GIRL!


Monday I hung out with my little man and drank coffee in my new mug!

We went to Moe's to grab a bite. Then we went to Academy to exchange his soccer goal we got him that we didn't like. He loves his goal and calls it his "big goal!" It's precious!


Tuesday Liam and daddy went on a little road trip, so I got to relax for a couple of days :) P.S.- Please notice that when mommy isn't around, the poor boy's hair is a HOT MESS. #mustkeepthecombover


Tuesday I had a checkup for sweet Harper, and everything looked great! That evening I went to dinner with my friend Stacy. We ate at Panera, which is one of my favorites! We had such great conversation. I admire her a lot! I mentioned to her that I craved Ramen noodles the night before. The next morning I woke up to Ramen noodles on my porch. She's just such a sweet friend!

Yesterday Shay and I went to our last MOPS meeting of the semester. SAD! It's been such a great year being involved with MOPS!


Our MOPS table:

We've had so much fun getting to know these ladies!

Our fun craft:

The theme for the year was "Bloom Where You are Planted." So, this was the perfect craft to wrap up the year! I love how mine turned out!

I'm looking forward to a weekend with my two favorite guys!

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