Wednesday, February 24, 2016

January Book Review

I made it one of my goals for the year to read at least 1 book per month. This may sound completely silly to those of you who read several a month, but I don't make it a priority to read. However, I WANT to make it a priority. So, setting practical goals helps me a lot! 

In January, I was only able to read one, but I'm glad I read ONE! That's probably the total number of books I read in all of 2015. So, that's a SUCCESS!

My January book is entitled: The Fringe Hours. My sweet husband gave me this book as part of my Christmas present. He was very unsure if I'd be disappointed with his purchase or not, but he made a good decision! :) Especially since he presented it to me this way: "You don't make enough time for yourself. You serve, serve, serve other people, especially Liam and me. You need to take time for you. So, this book made me think of you immediately." Awwww. All the warm fuzzies. Thank you, honey!

This book is written by a well-known blogger- Jessica N. Turner over at The Mom Creative. She writes in a very relatable way...I chalk that up to her Blogger-hood. This book is all about practically thinking through your life and where your specific "fringe hours" exist that you can use to fill up your tank. As she puts it, "We are all busy. The heart of the fringe hours is finding underused pockets of time in your schedule and utilizing them for yourself."

She begins the book outlining the importance of filling up your tank, and then she guides you as you think through your day to day. This was SO GOOD for me. When I read books with great general ideas and no guidance in how to apply the principles, I fail at making that book count in my life. But this one guides you through, and the principles are actually sticking! My husband even agrees! That's one reason I didn't want to write my January review until a month later--I wanted to report to y'all that this book actually HELPED me! 

I tend to overextend myself until I absolutely BREAK DOWN (poor Tyler!). Taking advantage of 5-15 minutes of quiet and calm by filling it with reading, coloring, taking a walk, etc. (instead of wasting it on my phone) has been extremely helpful for my mood and general well-being. I'm beginning to not be afraid to say to Tyler..."I NEED a few minutes to myself, so you're on baby duty!" I know he's perfectly capable, and I keep my sanity! 

God has given each of us passions. These certain things spark our hearts and press us forward. Those things may all be different for each of us. I'm still in the process of trying to learn what those things are for me. Reading, coloring, soaking in nature, sewing, taking pictures, spending quiet time in the Word, and having a few minutes to myself to SIT and drink a hot beverage are all things that fill my tank up (that I've discovered so far). These things make me a better wife, mom, friend, and overall human. 

I struggle with GUILT whenever I take time for myself, so I want to share with you a quotation by Jessica that encourages me to give myself permission to take care of me:

"Choosing yourself is not wrong. The longer you go without taking time for yourself, the more resentment will fester, exhaustion will set in, and you will have nothing left to give--to anyone."

I'm learning my limits, and I'm learning to take care of myself. I'm glad I'm starting to apply these things BEFORE baby #2 comes! 

Bottom line: I recommend this book for all you women who forget or neglect taking time for yourselves. Wives, singles, moms, or otherwise...Jessica will take you on a journey of figuring out those chunks of time to fill up your tank...and what you should fill them with! Your and your family's well-being depends on it! My February book review will post in a few days! Meanwhile, you will NOT find me cleaning and organizing my cleaning supply shelves...(THANK YOU, JESSICA!)

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